But seek first HIS kingdomand HIS righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33

MEFA’s Vision

Everyone can be a faithful steward of God according to Biblical principles for a peaceful financial life. The Chinese Christian churches in North America are blessed in finances to maintain the dignity of ministers and to glorify God.

MEFA’s Mission

Mercy Estate Financial Advisory (MEFA) LLC is dedicated to applying biblical principles to financial management practice for a peaceful financial life and glorifying God through assets and estate management. “Secular” work can become spiritual when done to the glory of God. As a Business as Missionary (BAM), MEFA is built upon the truth that God has the power to transform people for biblical stewards. MEFA is the financial advisory services group of Biblical Stewardship Ministries of North America. There are major mission objectives: to educate biblical principles into the financial life for in line with God’s sight, to serve people for having financial peace with lifestyle optimization, to establish discipleship of faithful stewards with true wisdom and professional financial consulting skills.
Proverbs 19:20-21 said, “Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days. There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.” As biblical stewards, MEFA will provide consulting to manage God given resources professionally. We encourage people to set up daily life including retirement demand as the higher priority, downside protection guaranteed technology as the prioritized financial strategy, time-effort saving real estate investment solution as top consideration of risky investment, and wealth transfer and business / investment exit strategy as one of key factors for decision making.



“God owns it all; therefore, I am a steward (Kingdom Advisor).” Biblical stewardship is the use of God-given resources for the accomplishment of God-given goals and objectives. Stewardship is the only area of the Christian life that cannot be faked.


Every spending and investment decision is a spiritual decision because God owns it all. Financial planning is life planning. A Christian financial advisor integrates their faith into their professional advice.


God uses money as a tool, a test, and a testimony. Money management and investment are all about eternity. Financial maturity is being able to give up today’s desires for future benefits. However, freely enjoy whatever you spend in the Spirit.


Net worth is a measurement of God’s provision, not of success or significance, but a privilege to glorify the LORD. Wealth accumulation may be a product of work, but it is not the objective. Prosperity or success is never measured by financial wealth.


A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. People are blessed by a disciplined life, and wealth is accumulated through disciplined investment approaches. Investments are a tool one uses to accomplish financial objectives and glorify God.


Husband and wife are stewards and must always be in harmony when making a financial decision.


Borrowing money always presumes upon and mortgages the future, and the only exception is when there is an absolute, guaranteed way to repay. Never use borrowing for anything consumptive.


Paying income taxes recognizes God’s provision and honors authority. Integrated tax planning is critical to long-term success. Getting a large refund check or paying a large tax bill can be a sign of poor stewardship.


Being underinsured or overinsured is poor stewardship. We buy insurance because we need it and for love, not a lack of faith.


God created man to work his entire lifetime. Rest and leisure are a part of God’s plan. However, Retirement to a life of leisure or retirement from Kingdom activity is never part of God’s plan.


The worker deserves his wages. Respect the fruits of others' labor and pay for the intangible assets. Honor elders who direct the affairs of the church well and be kind to the provision of ministers.


Giving or donation is the only way to break the power of money, the key to becoming financially free, and promises eternal rewards.

Biblical Stewardship Missionary Consortium
God owns it all;
therefore, I am a steward.
Let’s be God-intended and faithful stewards of ourselves, our families, our churches, our workplaces, and our wealth.